Generating and Modifying Passwords

As a Reseller, you would have to assist your Customers, if they happen to forget their Username / Password for accessing their Control Panel. In such cases, there are 4 methods available for you. You can select any of the following methods to help your Customers login to their Control Panel:

Forgot Password (Anchor: forgot)


This method is useful when your Customer has forgotten his Password.

To Direct your Customer to Reset the Password himself

  1. The Customer needs to visit the Control Panel Login URL at

  2. Click the Forgot Password link.

  3. Provide his Username (Email Address) and click the Send Reset Instructions button.

    This would send an email to his email address, containing a link through which the Customer can reset his Control Panel Password.

    • The link in the email will be valid for one hour from the time it was sent and it can be used to change the Password only once.

    • Only 5 attempts for sending the Password reset instructions are allowed in a 24 hour duration.

    • The email will also contain a link to cancel an unauthorized Password reset attempt.

Send Password (Anchor: send)


This method is useful when your Customer does not even remember his Username.

To Send Password Reset Instructions to your Customer

  1. Search for the Customer and proceed to the Customer Details view. See details

  2. Click the Send Password button.

    This would send an email to his email address, containing a link through which the Customer can reset his Control Panel Password.

    • The link in the email will be valid for one hour from the time it was sent and it can be used to change the Password only once.

    • Only 5 attempts for sending the Password reset instructions are allowed in a 24 hour duration.

    • The email will also contain a link to cancel an unauthorized Password reset attempt.

Change Password (Anchor: change)


This method is useful if a Customer has forgotten his Password and is also unable to get the Password reset instructions via email. As a last step, you can change his Password and provide him the same.

To Change your Customer's Current Password

  1. Search for the Customer and proceed to the Customer Details view. See details

  2. In the Customer Details view that follows, click the Change Password button.

  3. Provide a New Password and then Confirm Password.


    You need to consider the following, in relation with the Password (Anchor: password):

    • Allowed Password length is 9 to 16 characters.

    • It should contain at least:

      • 1 lowercase character
      • 1 uppercase character
      • 1 number
      • 1 special character. (Allowed special characters are: ~*!@$#%_+.?:,{})
    • Change the Password on a regular basis.

    • Avoid Password that contains personal information (name, birth place, etc.) or dictionary words.

    • Avoid using repeating characters (aaaaaa), keyboard patterns (asdfgh) or sequential numbers (123456).

    • Do not disclose your Password to anyone.

    • While setting a new Password, you may not re-use the current Password or the previous Password.

  4. Click the Change Password button to save the changes.

Logging into your Customer's account (Anchor: login)

  • The Generate Temp Password feature has been deprecated.

  • Using the method mentioned below you can yourself login to your Customer's Control Panel.

To login to your Customer's account

  1. Search for the Customer and proceed to the Customer Details view. See details

  2. In the Customer Details view that follows, click the Login to Panel button.

    This will present you with the Login to Panel button to login to the Customer account. Alternately, you can click on Copy Link and use the provided link to access the Customer account in a different browser.

  • This link would be effective for 1 minute only.

  • The link can be used only once to login to the Customer account.





The notification mails mentioned in the first 2 scenarios above will always be sent, irrespective of what mail preferences you have chosen for your Customers.