Transfers a domain name.
You need to ensure that the domain name is not Locked.
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
auth-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
domain-name | String | Required | Specify the domain name that you want to transfer. |
auth-code | String | Optional |
Authorization Code (a.k.a. Domain Secret) of the domain name that you want to transfer. The Authorization Code would be required to transfer a domain name of any of the following TLDs (extensions):
You may fetch the auth-code from your customer and provide it while placing the Transfer Order. Alternatively, you may initially place the Transfer Order without the auth-code. The Administrative Contact can provide it at the time of approving the Transfer Authorization email received from tram. It is recommended that you adopt the second option since it leaves out the requirement for an auth-code at the time of placing the Transfer Order and the customer would be more willing to submit it at a later stage. Domain Name Extensions for which the Authorization Code needs to be compulsorily provided at this stage:
customer-id | Integer | Required | The Customer for whom the Order should be added. |
reg-contact-id | Integer | Required |
The Registrant Contact of the domain name. The Identity of the Registrant Contact of a .UK domain name must not be changed during the Transfer process. You may modify the Identity once the domain name has been transferred to tram, by referring to the process listed at |
admin-contact-id | Integer | Required |
The Administrative Contact of the domain name. .EU, .RU and .UK domain names do not have an Administrative Contact associated with them. You need to pass the value of admin-contact-id as -1 for these domain names. |
tech-contact-id | Integer | Required |
The Technical Contact of the domain name. The Technical Contact associated with a .EU domain name cannot be modified while .RU and .UK domain names do not have a Technical Contact associated with them. You need to pass the value of tech-contact-id as -1 for these domain names. |
billing-contact-id | Integer | Required |
The Billing Contact of the domain name. The Billing Contact associated with a .EU domain name cannot be modified while .AT, .BERLIN, .CA, .NL, .NZ, .RU and .UK domain names do not have a Billing Contact associated with them. You need to pass the value of billing-contact-id as -1 for these domain names. |
invoice-option | String | Required | This will decide how the Customer Invoice will be handled. Set any of below mentioned Invoice Options for your Customer:
purchase-privacy | Boolean | optional |
Adds the Privacy Protection service for the domain name. Privacy Protection is not supported for the following TLDs (extensions):
protect-privacy | Boolean | Optional |
Enables / Disables the Privacy Protection setting for the domain name. |
auto-renew | Boolean | Required |
Enables / Disables the Auto Renewal setting for the domain name. Note
ns | Array of Strings | Optional | List of Name Servers to be associated with the domain name. A maximum of 13 Name Servers can be specified. |
attr-name | Map[name] | Optional | Mapping key of the extra details needed to transfer a domain name. Refer the description of attr-value. |
attr-value | Map[value] | Optional |
Mapping value of the extra details required to transfer a domain name. This together with attr-name shall contain the extra details.
purchase-premium-dns | Boolean | Optional | Purchase Premium DNS Service |
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Example Test URL Request for Transferring a Domain Name with Privacy Protection®-contact-id=0&admin-contact-id=0&tech-contact-id=0&billing-contact-id=0&invoice-option=KeepInvoice&purchase-privacy=true
Example Test URL Request for Transferring a .ASIA Domain Name®-contact-id=0&admin-contact-id=0&tech-contact-id=0&billing-contact-id=0&invoice-option=KeepInvoice&attr-name1=cedcontactid&attr-value1=0
Example Test URL Request for Transferring a .SCOT or .NZ Domain Name using an EEA contact®-contact-id=0&admin-contact-id=0&tech-contact-id=0&billing-contact-id=0&invoice-option=KeepInvoice&attr-name1=tnc&attr-value1=Y
Example Test URL Request for Transferring a Registry Premium Domain Name®-contact-id=0&admin-contact-id=0&tech-contact-id=0&billing-contact-id=0&invoice-option=KeepInvoice&purchase-privacy=true&attr-name1=premium&attr-value1=true
Example Test URL Request for Transferring an Aftermarket Premium Domain Name®-contact-id=0&admin-contact-id=0&tech-contact-id=0&billing-contact-id=0&invoice-option=KeepInvoice&purchase-privacy=true&attr-name1=type&attr-value1=premiumft&attr-name2=premiumprice&attr-value2=0
Returns a hash map containing the below details:
Domain Name (description)
Order ID of the Domain Name Order (entityid)
Action Type (actiontype)
Description of the Domain Transfer Action (actiontypedesc)
Action ID of the Domain Transfer Action (eaqid)
Domain Transfer Action Status (actionstatus)
Description of the Domain Transfer Action Status (actionstatusdesc)
Invoice ID of the Domain Transfer Invoice (invoiceid)
Selling Currency of the Reseller (sellingcurrencysymbol)
Selling Curreny Amount (sellingamount)
Customer ID associated with the Domain Name Order (customerid)
Privacy Protection Details (privacydetails)
Domain Name (description)
Order ID of the Domain Registration Order (entityid)
Action Type (actiontype)
Description of the Privacy Protection Purchase Action (actiontypedesc)
Action ID of the Privacy Protection Purchase Action (eaqid)
Privacy Protection Purchase Action Status (actionstatus)
Description of the Privacy Protection Purchase Action Status (actionstatusdesc)
Invoice ID of the Privacy Protection Purchase Invoice (invoiceid)
Selling Currency of the Reseller (sellingcurrencysymbol)
Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (sellingamount)
Unutilized Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (unutilisedsellingamount)
Customer ID associated with the Domain Registration Order (customerid)
invoiceid, sellingcurrencysymbol, sellingamount and customerid will not be returned if invoice-option is set to NoInvoice.
In case of an error, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned. However, if the transfer action is waiting on user input or registry response, the value NoError will be returned.